Friday, April 19, 2013

Rippln Pre-Launch - Get Your Ripp Code

Have you heard of the new viral app called Rippln?  Chances are you have and I'd like to make a few things clear.

Rippln is an app platform, not just an app.

They will be releasing elegant, high quality, engaging, addictive apps every month for free. The platform will be leveraging social networks to grow and the freemium app model to make it profitable... actually very profitable. And the best part is you can be a part of the wealth creation... but we'll get to that later on.

First, I'd like to invite you to watch this short video that'll share a very wide view of the Rippln vision:

Rippln is super easy! We share apps every day, but don't have the ability to monetize from the value people get from these apps. With Rippln that has all changed.

Since Rippln is in a prelaunch in which we all sign NDAs in order to start building our ripples there will be many questions.  Most of the questions can be answered once you join the Rippln community. The best part of Rippln is the whole platform is based on the freemium model. That means you can get in, download and use the apps, all for free, and the bulk of the money will be created by in-app purchases. It's the fastest growing and most profitable model out there right now!

Join Rippln Here:

I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Game On!

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