Tuesday, November 5, 2013

Free Apps On iPhone That Are A Must Have!

So I get this question A LOT
"What are the free apps for iPhone that I must have?" 
So not to get lengthy… I’d like to point out just a couple new free apps, that are games, and are available for the iPhone for free.

The first iPhone app is: 
Click HERE to download Dragon City Mobile iOS: http://goo.gl/3ZiwOY
The Second iPhone app is: 
Click HERE to Download Game Of War - Fire Age iOS: http://goo.gl/XrG8bT 
The Third iPhone app is:
Click HERE to Download Big Fish Casino iOS: http://goo.gl/Dat9AH
These are great free iPhone apps that I feel are must haves right now
Free apps for iPhone that I must have!

Friday, October 25, 2013

What Is Rippln's App Sharing - App Craze ?

Create a free Rippln account: http://www.TheRippleApp.com

Find out what App Craze is and how it works. This App sharing platform pays members just for sharing free apps… Rippln has partnered up with app manufacturers to create this new app sharing platform within Rippln. Simply share apps like Candy Crush as a member and get paid for each download you generate! 

Friday, August 23, 2013

What Is Rippln ? Rippln Products and Apps Overview

Rippln App Craze

Rippln Products And Apps Explained In Under 10 Mins

 Watch this exciting video on the new Rippln distribution and tracking platform! 

 Join Rippln Now For FREE – CLICK HERE

Here's the first app Rippln, Photo Guessaroo: 

The Rippln Photo Guessaroo was approved by Apple on August 22nd.  Currently it is being beta tested in Australia and New Zealand to ensure app best practices.  This process should be less than a week, and then the game will be released to iTunes throughout the world. The amount of activity this single game will create is huge.  Ripples will grow. Commissions will be earned.  The 1.3 Million fans will become engaged

Rippln Photo Guessaroo

Wednesday, August 7, 2013

Smartwatches, Guessaroo, Candy Crush and More from Rippln Unleashed!

Some of the news coming from the Rippln Unleashed Dallas event:


It's literally Days Away! GUESSAROO Powered by RIPPLN! The Game is Played and you JOIN FOR FREE!! This is the only app on the Planet where you take the PICTURES you Zoom in and create your Own Puzzles! People Guess what your Picture is they Earn Coins. Coins equal dollars! Every Time you Share the App you earn coins! People can take a Picture Set up a Puzzle and share that Puzzle on Facebook, send that Puzzle to all their Email addresses and Phone Contacts! We create the Puzzles! NO OTHER APP like this on the Planet!

When the Get the Notice to Solve the Puzzle They Have to CREATE A FREE ACCOUNT TO PLAY THE PUZZLE! This puts them right into your RIPPLE 1 ... DING DING DING Game on! This app will be out in less than a WEEK! They predict we will go from 1.2 Million TO 10 Million in the Next 30 days in the Ripple! 

Click to Enlarge Photo Guessaroo


One of the First APPS going into our Rippln Back office to Push through the Ripple is CANDY CRUSH we just locked that DEAL! Think about it Candy Crush wants to get to 1 Billion Downloads! They partner with Rippln... Don't you think 1 Million people that get rewarded to share Candy Crush will push it harder and Faster than 1 Million people pushing it for fun and not being rewarded! Our Model Rocks we will have Many Many More Popular Apps Partnering with us and being downloaded and it all runs through your RIPPLE!


Our First Loyalty PRODUCT going through The RIPPLE Hits Early September and its a MONSTER!! The First Smartwatch!!! and its Bad to the Bone! Our Model hits the Ripple Sept 2nd Before (( APPLE even released their smartwatch )) Also their are 10 other product already inline to Hit the Ripple after the watch! Including Wireless Computer Speakers! Incredible First to Market Items! For a Item to be in the RIPPLE it has a Discounted price for RIPPLERS always. Whether a Fan or Player Makes a Purchase on any of your 10 Levels you get REWARDED!!

Check out this article TechCrunch did on this new up and coming smartwatch tech company: http://techcrunch.com/2012/08/16/meet-the-martians-the-smartwatches-you-can-actually-talk-to/


Rippln have struck a Deal with Huge Distribution company in Hollywood! They will also be Running Top Line Movies through the RIPPLE monthly maybe weekly! New Independent Films! Documentaries and even mainstream movies! Every Download of Say $3.99 or $4.99 a ( % ) of every rental! 10 Level ripples goes through your RIPPLE!!! We can also do this with BEST SELLER BOOKS! NO LIMITS!!

Rippln Media


First Rippln Coaching Reward has started!! Joseph McClendon created the product! Joseph McClendon is best-selling author and speaker -   founded the Succelleration Research Group a leading consulting company that conducts Peak Performance coaching, workshops and seminars for business professionals around the world. 

In Dallas Joseph McClendon spoke about His Package! for 45 Mins! The exercise We all Did at the end Was LIFE CHANGING! Literally Not a Dry eye in the House!!!! Including Mine! This man is POWERFUL! all Coaching Offers Purchased in the RIPPLE by your FANS! You can earn you up to 40% in the Ripple for each Package Purchased!


Case Monkey Hits the Ripple! This is a Corner in the Ripple where you can create custom phone cases! T shirts Hats! Everything even with your Personal Pictures!! Everything Spent in this STORE! Pays through your RIPPLE! This is already DONE! Woohoo, custom phone cases

Case Monkey linked via Rippln Open ID


Those of you that would like to take advantage of POWERING UP and becoming a Player for the next 2 weeks will still get all the benefits of being a Charter Member for life, special event seating, chances to beta test new products, Private mastermind sessions and calls, a coaching program on Socialprenuership and DOUBLE COMMISSIONS for 90 days! 

Click To View Full Size

Join Rippln Now (Free Sign up)

Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Can I Make Money With Rippln ?

We are in the midst of a revolution.  One of the greatest wealth transfers we may see in our lives is taking place right now… and Rippln is SMACK dab in the middle of it.

This new platform is not brand new, but the combination of all these systems on one exciting new platform is. So many people are wondering "Can I Make Money With Rippln?"

Our latest video release will explain the Rippln concept in detail, & give you a glimpse into the future of what’s possible.  

If you’re not excited by the time you finish this video, pinch yourself to make sure you’re still alive!

Seriously though, you are at the forefront of something HUGE.  Watch the “Can I Make Money With Rippln” video now, & make sure to share this with your friends.  This is a PEOPLE driven movement, & a PEOPLE driven company.  Each person who joins the ripple… makes everything stronger.  Let’s go reach our first million users, & the sky is the limit from there!

Click Here To Sign-Up To Rippln and Find Out Can I Make Money With Rippln

Monday, July 8, 2013

What is the Rippln Rewards Program ?

Many people have found out about Rippln and now want to know what the Rippln Rewards Program is...

First I'd like to share what Rippln is and then I'll share the Rippln Rewards Program

So what is Rippln? At its core, Rippln is a brand new model for the distribution of products and services, such as apps, software and hard products that merges mobile, online and offline technologies and practices. 

Rippln Rewards Program

Rippln is a PLATFORM that tracks the value an individual creates in the marketplace and rewards individuals for sharing goods and services. Rippln’s technology platform also uses fun gamification techniques to build an audience, promote continued involvement, share products and provide rewards.

Here's a video on the
Rippln Rewards Program:

Start your Rippln Ripple Here

Thursday, June 27, 2013

New social network launching... (bigger than Facebook!)

I've been working behind the scenes on a new social network that's about to launch.
It's already growing at the speed of Facebook, Twitter and Pinterest!
You have to see the concept to understand why. But once you get it, you'll see this could change your life forever.
Check it out here... http://therippleapp.com
Watch the video and then create your account. I can't tell you too much more until your inside, so create your free account now then let me know and I can explain how it all works!

P.S.  Over 900,000 people have already joined, and it hasn't even gone live yet! Come see what all of the buzz is about:

Wednesday, May 29, 2013

Rippln Anthem (rap) By Damon "Mota" Ortiz

The first ever mobile platform that was built to REWARD people for their own social graph. To fundamentally CHANGE the landscape of technology. We see hundreds of millions of people inside a network that REWARDS them for their own social graph... and ultimately brings the highest quality technologies to market through a VEHICLE the people can also share profits in. Get to RIPPLN and get in the Ripple!

For a Rippln Ripp Code/Invite Click Here: http://therippleapp.com

For More information On Rapper Damon "Mota" Ortiz:
YouTube: http://www.youtube.com/user/XCFear
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/DamonOrtiz
Twitter: http://www.twitter.com/MotaPAYDAY
Email: mota.music92@gmail.com

Wednesday, April 24, 2013

Say What!?? Is Rippln a scam?

I've been seeing some negative press from people and I have to honestly say a few things about this.

1. Most of these are marketers trying to use Rippln's massive growth to their advantage by putting a negative spin on the good we are doing in hopes of boosting their own ratings.

2. The negative posts and articles fail to realize that Rippln hasn't launched, so all they are doing is conjuring up what they think this platform is.

3. Rippln is backed by business partners that have experience processing over $1Billion in transactions through it's ecommerce platform and is currently operating business in 48 countries. Rippln’s team possesses great credentials who have all also put their reputations on the line for this concept. That includes an accounting, legal, marketing, and a programming team with 14 years of experience.

Rippln Overview - Rippln Frequently Asked Question


I want to join Rippln! How do I sign up?

Click Here and Sign up for free: http://therippleapp.com

What is the recommended process to invite people and get them to sign the NDA?

We suggest reaching out to the person you want to invite and let them know that you are going to send them an invitation to something of which you have recently become a part of. Let them know it is free to join as a Fan and that you are excited about it, that more than 125,000 people joined it within the first week of its release and you think they might be interested in it as well. Explain how fun it is to see your ripple grow and see your social influence in real numbers and on a map. Follow up after you have sent the invite. Let them know that the code will expire in 24 hours, but you can invite them at a later time if they prefer. Help them Get in the Game and grow their Ripple after they sign up. The Ripple is about social influence and connection, so connect; be a part of The Movement!

What are the benefits of signing the NDA? 

We setup the NDA sign-in process to try and keep Rippln protected while we began our launch. While we originally hoped to remain in stealth phase a bit longer, we have been pushed to buzz phase as a result of the enthusiasm. With all new businesses, we have to be flexible and adjust to the growing demand. As a result, we are allowing people to discuss Rippln but still ask they follow our current compliance rules. While we are still updating our system and dealing with the exponential growth, we’re still asking people to agree to the Rippln terms to stop certain behavior and communication.

Are people sent a welcome email with their login info when they start? 

When someone signs up to join our Rippln community, they will receive this email:
“Welcome to Rippln! 
You have just started your first Ripple and we’re excited to help you to grow that Ripple around the world!
Login to your Rippln Inner Circle dashboard now so you can invite others to start their ripples too. You can login here:
Login URL - www.startmyripple.com
Username: you@youremailaddress.com
In the members area we have prepared some training videos to help you grow your ripple faster and to tell you what’s coming up next. Thanks again for playing... the game is on! Rippln HQ”. 
If you do not receive the welcome email there is a chance that your email address was entered incorrectly, in which case please contact us at support@rippln.com immediately to update your login details.

How do I get more invites?

Once the first five invites have accepted your invitation you will automatically get another 5 invites. Your invites are continually replenished after each additional five invites are sent and accepted.

I can’t find the member login!

To log on to www.startmyripple.com, look in the top right corner of the home screen and you should see either a green button which says ‘Member Login’ (web version) or a black button with three lines on it (phone version). Click that button and the member login box will automatically pop up. 

How do I receive the email updates?

Go to www.startmyripple.com and log into you account. Once there, click on your name in the top right corner of the page. Select ‘My Profile’ from the drop down menu. On the next screen look in the bottom left corner and you should see ‘Keep me in the loop with Rippln updates’. Make sure the box is checked and you will automatically receive email updates as they happen!


My invite code has expired! What do I do?

Please request another invitation from the person who shared Rippln with you. This should resolve the issue. Just a friendly reminder, the invite codes you send out are only valid for 24 hours. In order to resend an invitation you will click on the person’s name and hit reset.

The invite code did not come to my email or to my phone. What should I do?

Check your email spam box. Also, ask the person who invited you to give you the code manually from their back office. If they click on the invite, it will flip over to show the invite code.

Will the initial invites be lost by the rippler if the 24 hour window expires and the person invited does NOT accept the request?

Absolutely not. If someone does not accept your invite to join this awesome opportunity - their loss! To reset the invite and send to someone else, simply click on the invite to flip the card, hit the reset button and follow the instructions.

When will we get more than 5 invites at a time? Even 10 at a time would make the manual process much easier.

We are currently only giving out 5 invites at a time as we want to try and control the growth of our ripple while we are still in Beta mode. We want to make sure that everyone is using their invites wisely and only inviting people which they think will truly add value to their ripple and to the Rippln community. As we continue through our roll-out process, we will introduce more ways to gain invites and be able to mass market. 


How do I reset my password?

You may reset your password by going to www.startmyripple.com and clicking on the member login button in the top right hand corner. When the member login box appears, click on the ‘Forgot Password’ link in the bottom left. Input your email and a link will be sent to you allowing you to reset your password. 

Can I change the email address I have used for my Rippln account?

Yes you can. Please contact us at support@rippln.com with your name and current email address and tell us what email address you would like to change your account to. We will confirm with you once we have changed your details.

The videos aren’t working!

The issue you are experiencing sounds like it may be a browser issue. Please try Google Chrome or Fire Fox. If you still have issues after you have switched browsers please contact us.

I can’t watch the fourth video?

The fourth video will become available after all five of your initial invites have accepted your invitation.

Why do I seem to be having some trouble with my account?

We are aware of some people having various errors with their account. We are working diligently to iron out these glitches and kinks in the system. These are some of the things that come along with getting to be one of the first to join something while it is in Beta mode. We appreciate your patience and support while we do our best to get these issues fixed, as our Ripple has grown bigger and faster than anyone had anticipated.

I want to help out someone in my Ripple. Can you check their email/password details?

For security purposes, we must have the person email us directly if they want to change their account details. Please have them email us directly at support@rippln.com and we will be happy to assist them. 

I am not happy with who I originally signed up under. Can I change my sponsor?

If a sponsor correction needs to be done, the Ripplr needs to contact support directly with their request. Please keep in mind that Rippln has a no stacking policy. Stacking is defined as placing multiple positions together with the intent to work the lowest position. It is where one person or entity (company or husband and wife team) has multiple active paying positions in the ripple causing the same person or entity to receive a bonus or commission twice off of the same transaction. We have a team that is constantly monitoring this. Please note, a husband and a wife team cannot be enrolled under one another at the player level and/or receive commission. If they are enrolled by each other, this is breaking the stacking policy and can be grounds for termination.

Can husband and wife have two positions?

A husband or wife can enroll under one another, but only if one remains a Fan. They cannot get double bonus off of the same commissions, but if they want to at least get a single bonus off of their mutual contacts while enjoying the exciting growth of their individual ripples, one can sign one under the other as long as one remains a Fan.

My invites are showing an incorrect invite status?

We are aware of the message you are receiving in regards to your invites. The invite code is still valid and your invitee will be able to enroll as usual. We are working to correct the false error message. 

I have changed my mind and want to leave Rippln. How do I cancel my account?

Contact us at support@rippln.com with your name and the email address on your account and we can disable your Rippln account. We will delete your account and remove you from The Ripple. For security purposes, we need you to email in once more from the email address on file and verify that you do want to permanently remove your account. 
Please note that once your account is deleted, you will not be able to get it back. 


What are the specific rules about what we can and can’t post on Facebook or social media in general?

Here is a list of guidelines to help you understand what you can and cannot do to discuss Rippln on your social media accounts to start growing your Ripple! Anyone that we find who is not in compliance with these guidelines will be contacted immediately to remove their video or site.

Use of Videos:

You may now use the videos that are posted in your back office to show the details of Rippln. Please note that a great deal of resources have been put into those videos, and that you should give credit to Rippln for their ownership. Do not alter the videos. 


We do still ask that you protect the viewing of your back office and not show that or publish screen shots of it. Please help us protect Rippln and those you invite by preventing the sharing of your dashboard and the names of those you have invited.

Use of Rippln Logo:

You may use the Rippln logo on sites as long as it clearly identifies that the site is not sponsored or maintained by Rippln. Remember that the other compliance rules that have been discussed are also required. 

Domain Names:

Rippln is not permitted to be used in any domain names or email addresses. Rippln is a trademark of the company. For everyone, we have to protect this. You may use the names Ripp, Rippl or Ripple.

Acceptable Wording:

Any website, video or piece of content on the Internet must follow all governmental rules and regulations, even if you are not using our name on the front end. There are to be no references to income claims of any kind, or any untrue statements not approved by Rippln corporate. We suggest you follow the message corporate has been teaching to the ripple about how to share our platform with the world: “Rippln is the first ever incentivized sharing technology platform. We allow users to track their ripple effect across the world and in future phases, users have the potential to be rewarded for the value they create.” We are very serious about protecting Rippln for all our users and anything outside of this messaging is not congruent with our brand. 

I can see people are using the Rippln name in their domains. Isn’t this against compliance?

We agree and are in the process of contacting all those we have found that are publishing information that was not to be published or using the company name. Please continue to provide us examples of issues that need to be addressed. Please trust we are working on them. You can email us at compliance@rippln.com if you feel a website is acting outside of the compliance guidelines. 

I wasn’t able to view all of the NDA when I signed up. Can I get another copy?

We are hoping to have a copy of this available in your back office soon. It is however attached to each welcome email sent to anyone who completes the sign-up process. If you still cannot find it, contact support@rippln.com for a copy.

What happens to the information gathered?

All information trusted to the Rippln team will be used only for the purpose associated with Rippln. The personal information of those in the Ripple will be safe guarded with security measures.


What is Rippln?

Rippln is a user acquisition model for the first ever incentivized sharing technology platform. Our unique platform has the ability to track an individuals social influence and ripple effect across the world... and reward that user for the value they create in the marketplace. Rippln will be using gamification and rewards for the use of the platform and application. It is essentially a lead generation model that will provide an audience to which the Players can share products and be rewarded for it. We believe people deserve to have transparency in their social graph and they deserve to get rewarded for the value they are creating for these multi-billion dollar tech companies. That’s what we are... and our rewards program reflects our innovative approach of valuing the end user in our technology platform. Something other technology platforms have not done before.

What is the background of Rippln and its founders?

Rippln Inc. is a privately owned corporation in Texas. The CEO is Brian Underwood.

What is the age allowance to play?

Participants may join Rippln as a Fan at any age, as long as they have parental consent if they are under 16 years of age. However, to become a Rippln Player an individual must be at least 16 years of age or older.

When will we have videos and promotional material in other languages and ADA friendly?

We have had an overwhelming response from the Rippln community to expand to other languages and accessibilities. Please know that we are working to create a solution so that everyone can join this awesome movement and we are currently in the process of having the videos translated for your convenience. Look out for exciting updates on this in the coming weeks. 

What can you tell me about the App that is being released soon - what will it be like and do?

At this time we are not revealing the full features or compatibility of the application as we are trying to protect the intellectual property of the company that is being developed. We are constantly evolving as our Rippln grows exponentially so keep an eye out for updates!

What countries is Rippln currently available in?

We are available as a fan in all countries. This is the list of counties that will be available to participate in the Rewards Program:
American Samoa
China, Peoples Republic of
Cook Islands
Czech Republic
Dominican Republic
Hong Kong
New Caledonia
New Zealand
Papua New Guinea
Puerto Rico
Russian Federation
Solomon Islands
South Korea
United Kingdom
United States

I’ve seen videos out there that are saying negative things about Rippln! Can’t we take them down?

The truth of the matter is that because we are growing so rapidly as a new company, opportunists are taking advantage of our success by attempting to put a negative spin on the good we are doing in hopes of boosting their own ratings. It’s unfortunate but it is to be expected. If you hear anything like this please forward it to support@rippln.com. That way the SEO team can handle it from there. 

I’m hearing from people that Rippln is a lot of hype without much content. Is Rippln a scam?

It has to be the number one question on the minds of a lot of people. No, it is not a scam. Rippln is a new and innovative company that believes the end user is the most valuable part of any technology product. We are not a scam, we are the first ever incentivized sharing technology platform. We provide transparency into our users social graph and show them how many people are using a product because they have referred it. Our users then have the ability to get rewarded for the value being created through their networks, if they choose to participate in our rewards program. 
Rippln is backed by business partners that have experience processing over $1billion in transactions through its ecommerce platform and is currently operating business in 48 countries. Rippln’s team possesses great credentials who have all also put their reputations on the line for this concept. That includes an accounting, legal, marketing, and a programming team with 14 years of experience. At this stage of the roll-out, we are building buzz before releasing our first products. If you’d like to get an experience for what our company is about, invite your friends or contacts. Share the concept. Tell them that while there are no guarantees in life, a lot of people believe in this concept. Then watch. What do they have to lose? 
Getting in your ripple as a fan is free. Join, and watch the concept grow. When the next phase comes out, watch that, ask questions, and see if the company stands behind the concept and message. All this is available before they are asked to pay a single dollar.Bottom line, no it’s not a scam. It is an idea that is being brought to reality. One in which many people believe in. Thank you for your interest and trust.

Is this an MLM... some kind of Pyramid scheme?

This is certainly a concern of many in the industry at this time. Rippln has not fully completed its planning for the Rippln Rewards Program as it continues to undergo scrutiny by Rippln’s legal advisors. Please rest assured that the investors in Rippln are committed to providing a solid rewards program that is compliance with all rules and regulations.Rippln is a user acquisition model for the first ever incentivized sharing technology platform. Our unique platform has the ability to track an individuals social influence and ripple effect across the world... and reward that user for the 
value they create in the marketplace.
Rippln is not a true MLM model, it is a customer acquisition model. Rippln will be using gamification and rewards for the use of the platform and application. It is essentially a lead generation model that will provide an audience to which the Players can share products and be rewarded for it. This is not a pyramid scheme, it is a unique idea who’s time has come. The platform is a new idea that does not easily wear a label. We believe people deserve to have transparency in their social graph and they deserve to get rewarded for the value they are creating for these multi-billion dollar tech companies. That’s what we are... and our rewards program reflects our innovative approach of valuing the end user in our technology platform. Something other technology platforms have not done before.


What will be required of us to join the Rewards Program? 

We are in pre-game mode and are not accepting payment at this time. Stay tuned for further information on the Rewards Program when we begin the monetization stage. At this time it is not costing you anything to sign up and play, so we just encourage you to gather as many people as you can to join your ripple and have fun watching it grow! 

Can you clarify the Rewards Program? 

Until fully developed, new ideas are not easily conveyed so that everyone can understand the full picture. Rippln is no different. There will be more training and understanding of our company, model and reward system as we finish completing our roll-out sequence. In the meantime, we have some videos available in your back office which have some more information on what Rippln is about. 

I want to donate to Rippln! How do I do that?

We are currently in pre-game mode and are not accepting payment at this time. Stay tuned for further information on Rippln rewards when we begin the monetization stage.

Want an invitation to Rippln? Contact me brandon@yoursmartphoneguy.com with the subject "Ripp Code" and I'll send you an invite ASAP. 

Friday, April 19, 2013

Rippln Pre-Launch - Get Your Ripp Code

Have you heard of the new viral app called Rippln?  Chances are you have and I'd like to make a few things clear.

Rippln is an app platform, not just an app.

They will be releasing elegant, high quality, engaging, addictive apps every month for free. The platform will be leveraging social networks to grow and the freemium app model to make it profitable... actually very profitable. And the best part is you can be a part of the wealth creation... but we'll get to that later on.

First, I'd like to invite you to watch this short video that'll share a very wide view of the Rippln vision:

Rippln is super easy! We share apps every day, but don't have the ability to monetize from the value people get from these apps. With Rippln that has all changed.

Since Rippln is in a prelaunch in which we all sign NDAs in order to start building our ripples there will be many questions.  Most of the questions can be answered once you join the Rippln community. The best part of Rippln is the whole platform is based on the freemium model. That means you can get in, download and use the apps, all for free, and the bulk of the money will be created by in-app purchases. It's the fastest growing and most profitable model out there right now!

Join Rippln Here:  http://therippleapp.com

I look forward to seeing you on the inside. Game On!